What I do

Challenge Crushing

 When all your efforts to accomplish a goal seem to be met with blocked doors and brick walls, often the solution is in the unconscious programming that you're not even aware of.  

Focused session dedicated to accomplishing a specific goal.

 Values Alignment

In a world filled with "I should...", we get to the core of what you believe, and realign your actions with the core beliefs you might not even be aware of.

Some call this Soul Work. Learn how to be who you are and be successful in that being.

Self Judgement

When the affirmations and visualization aren't producing results, we'll often find a strong Self Judgement Part that's refusing to play game.
Parts Works is the navigation of the unconscious conflict that's holding you back. 

Multi-session change from the inside out.

The fact that you're here, on my site, means that you're looking for a solution.

Let's talk.